What it is: Face wash, specially formulated to provide deep cleansing for your skin by totally eliminating pore blocking residues.
What it does:
Yc Whitening Face Wash With Lemon Extract is a refreshing, gentle, and acne-removing face wash. It contains lemon flavor. It is a gel based formula and suitable for both men and women. It removes dead cell, dirt and impurities from your face. It enables your face to be hydrated by daily washing. It improves the face appearance. It contains anti bacterial properties that prevents acne breakouts and skin infections. Regular use maintains your skin's health. It is able to cleanse your face without over-drying.
Yc Whitening Face Wash With Lemon Extract Refreshing, acne clearing, fairness and pore cleansing Ideal for sensitive and dehydrated skin Improves the skin health